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A Simple Guide To Wellness

A healthy outside starts from the inside.

Wellness is a holistic concept which describes a state of being healthy in the mind, body, and soul. You can work intensely on your physical fitness, but if you ignore your mental & emotional health, you are still well.

Things that are good for your body include proper nutrition, physical exercise, and personal hygiene. Things that are good for your mind & soul include reading, learning, spirituality and having positive experiences.
We all want to be healthy and present for our families. We want to have focus and creativity for our projects. We want energy for ourselves and for our lives.

This guide will focus on how to implement wellness into your life focusing on Mind, Body and Soul to enable you to operate optimally in your day to day life. Helpful tips for a better life- Podcast


Now is a great time to sit back and reflect on what you’re doing that’s holding you back from living a better, happier life. Most of us have something. It may be something obvious, like eating too much take-out food ( which is expensive and likely to put you out of budget) or excessive alcohol intake drinking. Or it may be something more subtle, like binge-watching Netflix every night, hours and hours of scrolling through social media post or spending time with the wrong crowd instead of doing something more productive.



Areas of life that contribute to your overall wellness


  • Mental wellness includes how you deal with stress and how you manage your emotions.

  • Intellectual wellness is the practice of engaging in creative and mentally stimulating activities. It includes analytical thinking, learning, and problem solving.

  • Financial wellness is your financial stability and being able to live within your means.

  • Environmental wellness is a respect for and being in harmony with your environment, including your personal space, community, and the planet.

  • Physical wellness includes your medical wellness, your fitness levels, your sleeping patterns and your recreational activities.

  • Nutritional wellness is your eating habits and maintaining a good relationship with food.

  • Spiritual wellness is less about religion and more about having values and beliefs that provide a purpose for your life, your place in the world and connecting yourself to your higher self thereby living your divine purpose so that you can live a fulfilling life.

  • Emotional wellness means you are attentive to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as well as to the feeling of those around you. Being in touch with your emotions - Guide



Things you can implement that help with overall balance and complete wellness


  • Eating foods that fuel your body will give you more energy, help you fight illness, and leave you feeling more awake and alert.

  • Drink your water because hydrating helps flush out your digestive system, leads to clearer skin, and helps you maintain a healthy weight.

  • For all your financial needs, set up a realistic budget that lets you live within your means and consider your future.

  • Choose intentional movement by committing to at least 30 minutes of exercise. If you’re currently doing this much or more, you’re on the right track. Keep up the good work. Here are my free fitness guides 

  • Choose mindfulness by make time for relaxation and reflection each day. Practice deep breathing, yoga, and/or meditation to manage stress and anxiety. Check out:

Daily Meditation Affirmations

Chakra Healing Affirmation

Emotional Release Guide

  • Some sadness is normal, persistent daily negative emotions is not. Seek a therapist or support group for help.

  • Make sure you’re spending time with people you value the most (e.g. family and friends). Think about the last time you laughed from the gut. If it has been a while, it’s time to do something that brings you joy.

  • Prioritize sleep- sleep is healing

  • Detox your environment-personal space, community and digital detox (social media).





When it comes down to it, wellness is about feeling good. To get there, you have to take care of your mind, body and soul. You don’t have to do everything all at once, and you don’t always have to buy more stuff to be well. Start where you are, do what you can and remember a simple and fulfilling life is the ultimate goal.

As you continue your journey towards wellness, stress will naturally become easier to handle, but it will still be there. You won’t magically become immune to feeling anxious in the moments before you give a big presentation or when you’re sending your child off to school for the first time, but you will have the tools necessary to manage these emotions and live well. Living a fulfilling life - Podcast

As you start making changes, remember that wellness is a journey, strive for progress in perfection.



The Thriving Energy Show Podcast



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