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As above so below

These are my trusted spiritual practices that I practice to help me have a better, more grounded and progressive life experience.


Basic fasting of food and or water.

I like to fast 3, 5 or 7 days:

  • 3 is a number of celebration

  • 5 a number of change/ change of cycle/ turning the page/ shift in your life

  • 7 a number of completeness/ closing out a cycle/ ready for the next steps

Never been called to do longer fasts then these days but if Spirit one day calls, I am excited to answer and see Spirit holding me together for longer periods without food and or water.

I usually fast 2 - 3 times a year:

  • 1st fast being around my earthly birthday

  • 2nd fast around the Lion's Gate Portal (8th of August - taping into that 8/8 energy of abundance)

    • The Lion's Gate Portal is a cosmic event that Astrologers consider the Lion's Gate Portal an opportune day for manifestation, or concentrating on what you want to make it a reality.

    • I just focus on the numerology of it which is 8/8 a number of material freedom, financial abundance and wealth, compassion, self-reliance, independence and freedom, confidence, inner wisdom, personal power and authority, professionalism, insight, and spiritual consciousness.

  • 3rd fast is around December 21/22 which is the Summer Solstice. This marks the official start of summer and these days brings the longest day and shortest night.

    • This is when I like to do my resolutions for the next year. To say, as the sunsets my all my worries, unfulfilled dreams for the current year die and be lied to rest with the sunset. As the sun rises the next day my all my dreams, hopes and aspirations flourish, blossom and shine with the rising of the new sun.

Side note: I also believe that fasting is a form of meditation - silencing the noise and chaos

Mid-night prayer

I believe that the night is a powerful spiritual tool to plant seeds to intention because communication with spirit is easier and clearer as earthly activities have died down.

Read the below blog for more.


If you are not meditating what are you doing.

Meditation is a practice of allowing yourself periods of silence, stillness and reflection.

In general, it think to have a better life experience it is important work towards having a life of general peace and stillness.

Meditation can also be minimizing social media interaction, TV and just unnecessary noise to quieten the mind.

Sufficient Sleep

Not always possible because of the way my lifestyle is currently structured but I do aim to have sufficient quality sleep. Sufficient sleep helps you with mental clarity, emotional stability and grounded-ness. Sleep is key to having a good balanced day to day existence.


Ever heard the saying cleanliness is next to Godliness. Very true. Holy Spirit works better for you when it can move freely.

Clean yourself and clean your environment.

Regular declutters remoting items you no longer need.

Prayer and Invocations

Prayer & Invocations is a way of communicating with God or Spirit. Prayer can be a form of speech therapy because you can use prayer to express what you need to express without fear of judgement.

What is important is to be specific with your invocations. To actually say what is paining you, and what you need from God.

Sometimes we don't have words to express our pain - it is okay to be silence to cry or use other forms of expression in your prayer sessions.

Working in silence

Taking action and moving with intention towards your dreams and aspirations in silence.

Because some paths you have to walk alone; no friends, no family, no partner, just you and God. Let your results speak for you.

Read this blog on the importance of silence:

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