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Setting Boundaries with Spirit

Understandably so, once you start your awaking journey, raising your vibration and opening up to Spirit; be it your Ancestors, Spirit Guide(s), Guardian Angel(s) etc. , these Being of Light do get a bit too excited and start connecting with you in uncomfortable ways. More so, once you open up, invite and welcome Spirit in your life, other Beings, that are not of the highest resonance with you (so they make you feel uncomfortable), start making their way to you and wanting to connect with you.

Also there are many spiritual paths; there is Mediums, there's Psychic/Intuitive, empaths, Reiki Masters, Shamans, Traditional Healers/ Spiritual Practitioners who went though initiation (those who do divinations, those who don't), those who work with plant magic. Listen, it's a plethora of paths and practices.

Beyond that, there is a vast array of belief systems, rituals and points of connection to Source Energy.

Therefore, it is very important to a) know where you are anchored b) set boundaries with spirits and c) cleanse, shield and protect yourself.

Spirit loves to come through dreams, while you sleep, and while this is grand, it can interfere with the quality of your sleep which will make it harder for you to operate effectively during the day.

You are not bound to just accept what you do not like, what makes you uncomfortable and what makes your life difficult to operate in an efficient and effective way.

You can have protocol in which you tell Spirit to abide by when engaging with you. and trust me they heed your instruction because their sole intention is to move you to your highest time line here in your earthly incarnation and to ensure that you do the work that you came here to do in the best way possible.

In this blog I want to share with you an invocation you can affirm and create an intention when working with spirits to create boundaries with Spirit. And here it is down below. You can modify as you wish to make it fit your practice.

To Being in Spirit, listen and take heed of this instruction.

Do not connect directly with my family members (especially if you have kids around). You can extend your protection and guidance to them but do not interfere with their lives, allow them to awaken in their own journey and their Guardian Spirit to work with them.

Communicate with me in my waking state, though my readings, while I meditate and through intuitive guidance.

Communication in my dreams, while I sleep, needs to be minimal and limited to messages that I do not take note off / comprehend in my waking state.

Anything and everything that does not belong to me, any foreign entities that are not of the highest resonance and intention with me must leave now.

I do not wish to directly connect with spirits that are not part of my spiritual team ( this could be other people's ancestors). All communication must come through my Gaudian Spirit / familiar Spirit Guides.

If there is anything outside of my team of light that I need to know it must filter through my Gaudian Spirit/ familiar spirit guides who are familiar and know how to communicate with me.

Anything and everything that is not for my absolute highest good must leave now.

Only information that is of the highest resonance, intent and is most beneficial comes through to me.

I am a clear conduit of love & light. Only that which embodies love and light is allowed in my space and household.

There are many other methods you can use to create boundaries with spirit, such as casting a spiritual circle, only working with them when you are in your alter, methods and rituals prescribed by spiritual practitioners.

This invocation and intention above is just one of the simple ways that I use in my practice and it works well for me.

If it resonates with you, take it, tweak it and use it in your personal practice.

Follow me on TikTok @Masomza

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