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How To Connect To Spirit and Hear Clear Messages

Beginners guide

The Key is utilizing the 4 main avenues our intuition uses to communicate with us, known as the "four clairs": clairaudience (hearing voices), clairvoyance (seeing images), clairsentience (recognizing feelings), and claircognizance (knowing).

While some people might be naturally stronger in their psychic abilities and connection to spirit, everyone is able to connect to and hear from spirit.

Imagination is a tool given to us in order to access the unknown and receive spiritual downloads, and we all have an imaginative mind.

Intuition is our god give placement system that connects our soul to our Higher Self and Spirit Guides to provide us direction and help us move to our highest time line. We all have intuition.

Important thing to note is that we all have been assigned a Guardian Spirit ( aka Guardian Angel) unique to us, and whom we do not share with anyone else, whose only purpose and function is to help you in your path here on earth.

In addition, we each have a spiritual team, which consists of, The Creator - God, your Higher Self, your Guardian Spirit, Ancestors and any other Beings assigned to you and that resonate with you in your path hear on earth.

The Spirit realm is vast and diverse.

And so, because we have this spiritual assistance we can all tap into their guidance and open up by aligning ourselves with spirit so that we work closely with them, connect to and hear clearly from spirit.

One way to connect your spiritual team to get guidance and clarity about your life is through a divination. Find a spiritual practitioner / psychic whom you trust and go in for a divination/reading

Click below for the services I offer if this is something you are interested in

However, spiritual connection is not exclusive to a specific group of people, you can also be connected in your personal practice and life.

Here are the steps to follow (as guidance) on how you can connect to and hear from spirit.

Clear up known illnesses

It is vastly important to take good care of your health, Because if you are unwell ( mind, body and emotional) your focus is not on connecting to spirit but rather on your illness that is disturbing you from living your optimum life.

So clear up illnesses, especially those that interfere with your daily operations.

Incorporating exercise/movement may also assist in improving your health markers.

Have mental and emotional balance

It is important to get yourself to a place where you have mental clarity and emotional ease.

For continued spiritual awakening, maintaining mental and emotional balance is important.

This involves detaching yourself from drama, conflicts and chaos.

Doing shadow work to help you identify your triggers and resolve emotional imbalance is a very helpful approach.

See the below wellness guides

Mental clutter is also something that frustrations spiritual connection. So it is also important to reduce mental consumptions (Social media, draining social gatherings/engagements etc.)

Clean Yourself up and clean up your surroundings

Being disorganized, messy, untidy and dirty or being in an environment that is disorganized, messy, untidy and dirty will hinder your ability to hear clearly from spirit.

Untidiness blocks your mental optimum functioning and blocks your spiritual connection.

Untidy places create stuck and stagnant energy which is dense making it difficult to connect to spirit in a free and flued way.

The energy must be free and flowing to create ease and reduce frustration.

So clean yourself up and clean up your surroundings

Align your chakras

Chakras are our energetic centers from the soles of our feet all the way up to the angelic realms and the the divine God temple.

To function at our best, our chakras need to stay open and balanced. If they get blocked, we may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra making it difficult to connect to spirit in a positive and aligned way.

Chakra alignment can be done through energy work including Reiki, sound therapy, meditation and many other forms of therapy.

To assist you in this check out

Connect to nature

Use the elements of nature to help you in your path and endeavor to connect to and hear from spirit.

Earth element - can be used for grounding and centeredness

Fire element - powerful tool for alchemizing and transmuting energy. Using fire rituals to change or shift something in your life.

Water element - best used for cleansing and purifying.

Air element - For mental clarity and life force.

There are many rituals and practices that can be done with each element. But when starting out just stick to the basics of making it a habit to go outside and connect to nature, taking deep breathes and repeating affirmations

As you advance, you can begin to incorporate working with the messengers of the universe namely; the Sun which brings clarity, warmth and is good for clearing and communication, and the Moon which represents the cycles, rhythm and enlightenment.

There are many rituals and practices that are available, pick the ones that resonate with you.


Meditation to bring about stillness in your existence.

Meditation is in various form including mindful walks, just sitting still, guided meditation etc. Choose a meditative practice that suites you best.

Within your meditation you can incorporate prayer asking your team of light, guardian spirit to come through, connect with you and communicate with you clearly.

You can pray/say something along these lines

I ask my Guardian Spirit to connect with me now help me to raise my vibration so that I am able to feel and experience your presence in my life in a tangible way.

Ask Spirit to show up in your life

Simply ask.

One simple tip for you to know for sure that you are connected to your spiritual team is to ask spirit to give you a sign. For example; say if you are present please show me a blue butterfly over the course of this 24 hour day, or If you are present please come through in my dream and confirm it, or Let me feel and experience your presence in my life in a tangible way.

You do not need fancy words or phrases, spirit works with intention and heart.

Be open minded and patient

Though your spiritual team is here to help you in your earthly incarnation, they are not your servant. Spirit operates differently to our human interactions therefore you have to be open minded and allow the flow and communication to happen without you trying to control the how and when.

Release yourself of unrealistic expectations and fixating on one thing or form of connection and communication.

Understand that spiritual work takes time and spirituality is a practice which you do as part of your lifestyle. Much like fitness, if you want maintainable results, you have to be consistent, trust the process and patient.


We are spiritual beings and we all have the ability to connect to the spiritual realms.

As you grow and mature in your wakening, your spiritual team will guide you on the things that you need to be doing as part of your practice to enhance your connection and access higher mind.

These may include certain rituals, fasting, certain types of prayers, having an alter, offerings etc.

Your team of light will also guide you on which spiritual path you need to be following and which belief systems you need be anchored in. Spirituality is vast and diverse. It is not a one size fits all. So if you are unsure, simply ask, be open and you will receive.

It is always wise to start of with connecting with your Higher Self and with your Guardian Spirit because the spiritual realm is so vast and the last thing you want is to connect with beings that scare the sh** out of you and you don't continue with your path because of that fear.

Your Higher Self and Guardian Spirit will already know how to merge with you in a calm and peaceful way, will shield and protect you from unwanted spirits and will further guide you on what to do to protect yourself and shield yourself.

Alternatively, you can just affirm and say , I only connect with spirit of the highest light, resonance and intent. Only clear information that is most beneficial comes through. Only that which is good for me comes through and connects with me.

And so it.

And only those spirits will connect with you.

Hoping this was most helpful.

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