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How to develop and strengthen your intuition: Tap into your inner knowing

Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. It is a combination of spirit, emotion and logic. It is your God Given Placement System (In the word of Lisa Nichols).

Intuition gives you the ability to extend your awareness beyond the physical realm or facts that are in front of you, it enables you to tap into the energetic frequency of a situation.

Basically, intuition is the way that our subconscious mind communicates with our conscious mind.

Our intuition speaks to us using 4 main avenues, known as the 4 Clairs: Clairaudience (hearing voices), clairvoyance (seeing images), clairsentient (recognizing feelings) and claircognizant (inner knowing).

We all have intuition, some more developed then others. Some know it some don’t.

You can put effort into actively developing intuition if you know the right ways to go about it.

In this blog I am going to talk about some of the ways you can employ in order to develop and strengthen your intuition.

1. Align with your values.

What are your core values? For the most of us Integrity is somewhere at the top of our core values as human beings.

Align yourself with your core values, and you will begin to feel it, whenever you act outside of your values.

Often times our minds will steer us away from out sense of integrity, we may have the urge to do some shady business. Recognize how you feel, in your gut, whenever you betray your values. That is intuition.

So align yourself with your values and learn how it feels like to act in alignment with your values and you'll start to sense your intuition more clearly.

2. Work on your emotional and mental stability

Emotional and mental stability offers you the ability to be able to cope with life's challenges, build your resilience for the unexpected, be able keep problems in perspective and bounce back from setbacks.

Emotional and mental stability will help you obtain clarity and focus and you will be able to receive subtle messages more clearly.

3. Spend time outside & Sun gazing

Spending time in nature can help you decompress, clear out distracting thoughts and leave you feeling grounded. In turn you are able to gain perspective and in a better position to receive those intuitive hints.

Sun gazing or standing outside with your forehead facing the direction of the sun is also a really good technique to develop your intuitive muscle. This practice is believed to overall improve mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. It is also said that it increases the size of the pineal gland. The pineal gland is our connection to our third eye. Our intuition.

4. Clear the clutter

Reduce your social media & television engagement. Clean your physical space, fine tune your inner circle. These are all sources of distractions, which inhibit you from hearing your intuition because your mind is constantly in the move. When your energy is scattered, it’s harder to get in touch with your intuition. Consider doing a purposeful detox. Freeing up this space could allow new messages and insights to float up from your subconscious.

5. Yoga & Stretching

This will help with relaxing you, improve your breathing and improve your sleep. This practice will offer you balance and help align your mind, body and soul. Hence creating a state of being which is conducive to stillness and harmony and will be better able to receive subtle messages.

6. Meditation

Spending time in silence can help you to get more in tune. Meditation can be as simple as sitting for five minutes with no distractions and simply observe your thoughts.

The important thing about meditation, don’t try to not think because that is defeating the purpose of flow within the session. Instead allow your thoughts to exist and simply observe them as they arise which will in turn lead to calmness, because you are not being concern about not having thoughts, which will lead to less thinking and more quiet.

7. Take a chance on following your instinct

If you notice a strong instinct to do something or move away from it, try following that advice and see what develops as a result. Seeing positive outcomes after following your intuition can help reinforce that you do know what’s best for you and give you more confidence to trust your gut for the future.

8. Work with Tarot & Oracle Cards

Learn to use a tarot deck, or oracle cards, and interpret the card's messages for yourself before you consult a guidebook.

Do readings for yourself you will be amazed. Continue to flex your intuitive muscles by reading for close friends or even people you do not know. This will strengthen your intuitive / psychic muscles.

9. Release your resistance.

Often, the mind argues with intuition rather than trusting it. By doing this, you may rationalize yourself out of intuitive knowing that could change your life for the better. Take the time to listen, and when you have heard be bold enough to act on what you hear.

Of course there are more way, even more advanced ways, to build and strengthen your psychic abilities. these are just some of the ways I employ on a consistent daily basis.

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