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Shadow Work

We all have traits that we’re proud of, and traits that we don’t feel so confident about. Some of these traits may trigger or embarrass us, so we hide them from public view. These parts make up your shadow self.

When we bring our shadow into the light, we’re able to change destructive behaviors, heal past hurts, and become happier and more self-confident.

I want to briefly touch on the topic of Shadow Work vs Light Work

Shadow Work and Light Work are two healing approaches. Shadow Work stems from Psychology and Light Work is derived from the field of Spirituality.

  • Light Work focuses on sending positive energy to or on a problem, person, or situation. Light Work could include, energy healings, Reiki, sound therapy, chakra cleaning or any practice which involve energetically cleansing your body, mind, and soul.

  • Shadow work is working with your unconscious mind to uncover the parts of yourself that you repress. This can include trauma or parts of your personality that you subconsciously consider undesirable. Shadow work is when you make the conscious decision to identify, explore, and bring awareness to the dark side of you. Your areas of development.

Both Shadow Work and Light Work heal the mind, body and soul, contribute towards your personal development and help you grow and evolve spiritually, emotionally and psychologically.

Shadow Works is concerned with raising awareness of their subconscious patterns and Light Work is the infusion of high vibration on to you, the problem or situation.

For Light Work to be effective, you need to have acquired a certain level of consciousness and spiritual awareness/awakening.

Shadow Work, helps you discover all the hidden aspects of yourself and acknowledge yourself as a Divine Spiritual being, and help you achieve that level of consciousness and spiritual awareness that is necessary for your Light Work to be effective.

If we only focus on light and positivity we end up spiritually bypassing and avoiding real life situations. If we only dig around for the dark shadow aspects, we forget to see the light. Therefore, a healthy balance between Shadow Work and Lift Work is important for overall wellness and healthy wellbeing.

In this blog I will focus on the Shadow Work aspect as a healing strategy

Your shadow isn’t a flaw or a mistake — instead, it’s a natural part of who you are, no one is perfect, we all have areas of improvement within our personalities, thinking processes and engagements with those around us.
Shadow work is about developing self-awareness and ultimately, self-acceptance and compassion.

Shadow work is designed to help you integrate and accept every single part of yourself so that you can live and thrive with more clarity and authenticity.

By accepting your shadow self, you can start to see how your thoughts and emotions influence your behavior. When you’re aware of this, you can take control and empower yourself to live life more deliberately, consciously and authentically.

This will put you back into the driver’s seat and release you from fear, doubt and feeling like you are not in control of your life and destiny.

Our shadow aspects usually manifests into our life experience as emotional reactions when we are confronted with certain situations or circumstances.

You areas of development ( shadow aspects) will let you know that they exist through:

  • Poor self-esteem

  • Self-deceit and deceiving others

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Offensive behavior toward others

  • Struggling to have healthy relationships with others

  • Self-sabotage

  • Self-absorption or an inflated ego

It takes training, self-awareness, guidance, and courage to help you face your shadow self in a healthy way. Here are some benefits of working with your shadow aspects:

  • Improve your creativity and discovering your hidden talents and gifts

  • Feeling whole or integrated as a person thereby improving your overall wellness

  • Improved interactions with others and having more compassion when engaging with others

  • Identify and healing generational trauma

  • Learning healthy ways to meet your need as shadow work will help you gain more clarity on how your emotions, thoughts and feelings lead you to act in a certain way

Everyone has a shadow, even if you may have heard about it through a different terminology and it doesn’t necessarily have to be associated with something traumatic.

Shadow work is crucial for your personal development to help you become the best version of yourself.

The key with shadow work or working with your personal areas of development is:

1. Identify – It is much easier to notice someone else’s flaws than point out your own. But Ironically enough, the quickest and easiest way to see your shadow is to notice the qualities that you don’t like in other people. Create space to really sit with yourself and identify what are your triggers.

  • What is bubbling inside of you unaddressed?

  • What are your patterns that are undesirable?

  • What are your frustrations, what angers you?

  • What are your habitual reactions to certain situations?

  • What are the situations or things that keep challenging you in this life?

  • What are the things that other people do that irritate you or get on your nerves? Where are you quick to criticize someone else?

2. Acknowledge – once you answer these questions with honesty, be real with yourself and acknowledge that perhaps some personal development and learning is required here.

3. Acceptance - Your shadow isn’t a flaw or a mistake — instead, it’s a natural part of who you are. Accept your authentic self compassionately and without judgement.

4. Explore – With this new found clarity, how can you integrate this aspect of your life in a healthy way. How can you better handle yourself and release yourself from the toxicity that comes from this shadow aspect of yourself?

5. Awareness and integration - Because information provides clarity which enables you to show up more authentically and confidently.

Here are some of the approaches you can use to uncover and explore your shadow aspects. Not all approaches to shadow work may be right for you.

Consider seeking out a licensed therapist for treatment, especially if you struggle with severe trauma.

Meditate to observe your triggers

Meditation allows you to quiet your mind and really talk less and feel more. Start to notice your triggers and confront your deepest and darkest concerns.

Step back and observe what’s happening. Observe without judgement. When emotions come up, allow yourself to have them.

Think back to your childhood

Explore what parts of you may have been treated as bad or lesser when you were a child.

Which emotions were you punished for having? Many children get told to get over their anger or sadness. We grow up believing they’re bad and that we’re bad for having them and inherently those repressed aspects of us become our shadow as we grow into adulthood.


Journaling is a great tool in helping you get everything off you without fear or judgement. You can paint or do anything that lets you express yourself better.

Think about what is truly bothering you right now. What is standing in the way of living your fullest potential? What might be creating negativity in your life? What are you truly struggling with?

Select just one area to focus on and then begin to write about this issue in your notebook. What is it about this issue that is upsetting you? Where is this negativity coming from? What does it really feel like?

Journaling is a safe and practical way to express all sides of yourself. You can let out your thoughts, both light and dark, using the written word.

Tarot Reading

The Tarot is also a great way to dealing with your shadow side. Whenever you are stuck on something get a reading from a trusted Tarot reader around you.

Book a reading with me:


Professional Therapy

You don’t have to seek out a therapist to do shadow work. However, it can be helpful to have someone else to guide you through the process. I absolutely recommend professional therapy if you are dealing with severe trauma that you are finding hard to get over.

Therapist can provide you with a safe space to talk through complex topics. A trained professional can spot patterns within you that you may not be aware of. They can also give you the tools you’ll need to deal with any triggers you may uncover.

In conclusion

With all these tools to help you work through and integrate your shadow self/areas of development. It still requires work on your part and a willingness to explore this part of you, without judgement, in order to release yourself from blocks and feel empowered as you progress forward with your life.

No tool or process is going to work if you do not work it.

"There is magic in truth and there is truth in my veins"

Challenge yourself to accept the responsibility of bringing your dreams and deepest desires into being.

Book a reading with me:


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