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The importance of silence: What silence can do for you

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

Silence is stillness, the absence of sound or noise.

Life is noisy. Full of background music, social media notifications and feeds, podcasts, Telenovels, phones ringing, emails popping, traffic, radio, kids, your family, co-workers, people passing by, it's a lot. As a result many of us don’t experience a great deal of quiet.

Noise is not just sound, noise can also be constant lights, smells, and experiences that result in sensory overstimulation.

Noise is created in your external environments, but over time, it moves inward and starts to drown out the inner voice. Your inner voice is often what leads you to creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making, and ultimately draws you to the things that matter most in life.

Therefore, constant noise in your life can block/limit your sense of self-awareness and distract your focus because the space in your brain is taken up by noise, which makes it difficult to think clearly.

This is what silence can do for you:

Silence can calm racing thoughts

Silence might seem like a wide-open space for racing thoughts to fill, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Instead, it’s possible to allow silence to bring mental stillness by setting the intention in your mind and focusing your attention in the present moment.

Racing thoughts often stem from something that may never happen (future) or focusing on past experiences which cannot change.

Setting the intention to be silence, and focus on the now; which is you siting silently and breathing you can teach your brain to release this need to bring up involuntarily thoughts or memories thereby releasing yourself from this hamster wheel of thoughts in our head.

In silence, we can slow down and just to be. Silence allows you to settle into your mind, body and soul, and sit with the present moment.

This is called mental stillness.

Silence can stimulate creativity

By teaching yourself mental stillness, you create capacity and space in your brain for creativity & inspiration.

Creativity is an important part of life because it allows us to view situations with perspective and to solve problems, which will ultimately release you from blocks and being stuck.

Creativity opens the mind, and silence is an important part of the creativity.

Clearing your head with a long silence could be the inspiration you have been looking for to find creative ways to solve your most troubling life problems.

Silence can bring self awareness and consciousness

When a person is aware of something, he/she may feel it or just sense it without exactly knowing what it is. In contrast, somebody becomes conscious about something means that he/she is fully aware of or he/she has complete understanding over the substance.

You may never discover how you can improve your life when your attention is always being drawn away due to the many distractions and noises that surround you.

Silence assist you to better connect to a higher power and your soul.

Taking time to self-reflect will help you figure out if your life is working the way you’d like it to. Once you become aware of the changes you’d like to see, you’ll be able to make a conscious improvement to the patterns of your life.

Helps with processing information

Your mind, body and soul need to think, reflect, and rest. By creating quiet time, you’re giving yourself the time to process information, emotions, thoughts and feelings.

Silence can help increase your self-awareness by giving you the chance to observe and accept your thoughts and feelings without judgment.

What feelings come up for you? Do you feel relaxed and peaceful? Or do you feel anxious and angry?

These questions can help put you in touch with your feelings and emotions, helping to provide meaningful answers to your life.

This are some of the ways you can get more silence into your life

We may not be able to escape this world without unliving oneself. But with a bit of intention, we can bring more stillness into our everyday lives.

  • Remove your earbuds

  • Switch off social media notifications

  • Delete social media platforms that you feel excessively attached to

  • Wake up before the rest of the house wakes up in the morning

  • Do a television watching detox for a week or two

  • Straight up, walk away from the crowd and be by yourself, in your car, in your room


Finding moments of silence can have significant psychological, spiritual and mental health advantages.

Embracing silence may also help you settle into the present moment and quiet any racing thoughts. It can also help you be more creative and improve your concentration and focus.

With a bit of practice, you can reap the benefits of silence and improve your overall wellbeing.

Instagram & TikTok @masomza

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