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Understanding Tarot

I am a tarot reader who believes in and has faith in God. Because for me, Tarot is an earthly tool and in no way does it replace God, Jesus Christ or any spiritual belief that connects you to a higher power.

If there was a natural disaster that were to destroy all of earth, Tarot cards together with our bodies would perish. It is our soul, and the salvation of our spirit that matters most.

Physical things are resources available to us to help us move to our highest timeline here on earth. Our physical bodies are earthly tools which help us maneuver and operate in this earthly realm. Tarot cards are physical tools that help us maneuver in this physical realm. Just like yoga, just like church buildings, just like journaling on a note book, just like the bibles, just like the Quran, all physical tools to help us move into our highest timelines and nurture our souls.

Now granted not everything in this life is for everyone. That is why we have so much diversity.

Just like Christianity isn’t for everyone, Islam isn’t for everyone, Buddhism isn’t for everyone, yoga isn’t for everyone, journaling isn’t for everyone, certain movies/series aren’t for everyone (that is why we have so many genres), the outfit you wearing right now as you read this blog isn’t for everyone, not everyone likes Donuts – some prefer ice-cream or cake. So is Tarot- it’s not for everyone and that is Okay.

I believe in God and have a personal relationship with Him. Using Tarot as a tool does not disqualify you from God nor does it make you a Satan follower, nor does tarot call upon any evil power by default.

It is your soul that holds evil and calls upon evil spirits. You can hold the bible and still be working with evil spirits.

No physical matter, by default, has the ability to call upon any spirits ( whether good or evil) it is the person (the soul) holding the physical matter ( Tarot cards, the bible, whatever it may be) that has the power to call upon and work with any kind of spirit ( be it evil or good).

So Tarot cards by default are not evil nor are they Satanic, nor do they hold any kind of demonic power. Only a human being with a soul, a spirit, is able to work with or call upon spirits.

What is Tarot

The tarot is a pack of playing cards, used from at least the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe to play games. In the late 18th century, some tarot decks began to be used for divination purposes.

Tarot decks have 78 cards that provide a visual storyboard that can be related to situations in our lives. Like the common playing cards, tarot has four suits ( Referred to as Minor Arcana) Each suit has 14 cards: ten pip cards numbering from one (or Ace) to ten, and four face cards (King, Queen, Knight, and Jack/Knave/Page). In addition, the tarot has a separate 21-card trump suit and a single card known as the Fool; this 22-card section of the tarot deck is known as the Major Arcana.

The Major Arcana cards symbolize life lessons, karmic influences, and the great themes that are impacting your life as well as your soul's path to enlightenment. These tarot cards play a crucial role in interpreting the overall long-term aspects of your life.

The 56 Minor Arcana cards reflect the trials and tribulations that we experience on a daily basis. The Minor Arcana cards typically has a temporary influence. They represent influences that are moving through your life right now and that can easily change, depending on the actions you take.

There are 4 suits: Swords, Cups, Wands & Pentacles

The suit of Swords corresponds with intellect. It deals with the mental state and balance.

It speaks to our truth, clarity, communication, thoughts and mental activity. This suit is also associated with the air element because you can’t touch it or see it, but it’s always moving just like our minds.

The Suit of Cups is associated with the element of water. Water is fluid, agile and in flow but it's also very powerful and formative – much like our emotions. It relates to our emotional & intuitive state of being.

The suit of wands is connected to the element of fire, it is volatile and full of energy. The suit of wands speaks to passion and it symbolizes human willpower.

Pentacles are associated with the element of Earth, the physical body and possessions or wealth.

Each card can also have an astrological meaning and a numerical meaning – which is a whole other language. You can combine all the aspects of tarot in a reading or just use one or two or even none at all. Depending on your reading style.

The purpose of Tarot ( How I utilize it in my personal practice)

Tarot readings are a way of bringing the subconscious to the conscious. Ultimately, I believe it can provide a direct line into our own inner thoughts & feelings. Tarot tells us stories about our lives and ways we could live them better.

For me and many others, tarot is not fortune-telling, psychic reading, devil worship or evil. Reading Tarot does not give you the ability, nor can I be able, to access some secret knowledge or see the future. The cards won’t tell me what will happen or when or, for example, the name of the person you will marry, how will they propose, when will you die, will you ever be diagnosed with cancer, will you trip and fall tomorrow, what will happen on December 3rd 2022. I don't know, I don't know all that stuff. I don't have access to future files like that and Tarot does not give me the power to have that kind of access.

What they do offer me is a way to tap into the energy of the situation, assess the energic frequency and provide guidance on how best to proceed for the highest good.

I can do that because we are all energy, everyone of us, we are energy, a soul, a spirit. And if you can harness that spiritual part of you, your intuition, our God Given Placement System, you can access the energy of a situation too. That is why often time you are able to tell that you can't "vibe" with someone. That is intuition, your soul speaking to you. Just like we in human form we can speak to each other- energetically we can also speak to each other. That is why sometime you find yourself connecting with someone you just met because intuitively you know this person is good for your soul. Check out this blog on intuition

Tarot cards are supposed to be read like a storybook that can provide guidance to specific parts of your life or help you think through things in a way you didn’t beforehand. Just like how you would read certain books to help you gain guidance or wisdom or clarity on a certain situation you may be faced with (instead of words, in tarot its pictures).

Tarot readings help a person understand what he or she needs to know about a particular situation.

Decks are best used as a tool of inner wisdom and guidance (just like you read a book for spiritual growth or insight & wisdom), as readings give a person insight based on the person's current path at the time of the reading. The cards do not necessarily reveal what will happen, but instead, allow a person to gain an understanding of a situation and determine the best course of action.

Tarot is a tool for guidance and enables the person receiving the reading to connect to his or her inner wisdom.

My Tarot Story – How it started

I was deep in depression, and I used Tarot reading as an alternative healing approach. In my readings, I would constantly getting 9 of swords, 10 of swords, 3 of swords, the tower, the death card, the star card, empress.

The message here for me was, recognize that you are in pain, someone has let you down, your heart is wounded, bring your awareness to the sleepless nights that are causing you to be less productive during the day. Do not ignore those emotions, let them run through you so that you can heal. This experience contains one of your major life lessons, grab the lesson(s) so that your life can transform (the death card is transformation) to the next level. You are doing great as a mother but also take time to prioritize self care, be compassionate with yourself. Spend time in nature to heal your self allow the flow of life to pass through you, release control of this situation. This is as painful as it will get, lift yourself up from the ground and start walking because you can.

I did that, I worked on my healing (not the cards). And now my spreads are very different to what I used to get because I am no longer there I am at a different space now, a happy space.

So here you go.

The depression episode that I experienced

I didn’t know what was going on, I was in such a mental fog, I couldn’t identify the emotion(s) I was feeling, I couldn’t process anything, I wasn’t sleeping well, but I kept going like a hamster on a wheel, just riding along as fast as I can hoping that this misery would end. I tried modern solutions to depression; talk therapy – but it wasn’t working for me because there was something deep inside me that I felt no one (including myself) could understand and I couldn’t bring it out in a conversation with someone because I myself didn’t even know how to process and articulate it. Modern medication wasn’t agreeing with me and my system at all.

I was in such immense confusion and a blur state of mind – I wouldn’t even tell you how I ended up with Tarot cards. I can’t even remember when I bought my first deck or where I bought it. I don’t even remember my first reading – but I do remember the most significant reading I had which was with a lady from America – I booked a private reading with her. I was crying for the entirety of that reading and for a good portion after that consultation I was praying to God, thanking him for having helped me find a solution and release me from the imprisonment of depression. I knew that there was still a lot of work I had to do to heal myself but that day I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, and I was about to do a very good home run – Running home to myself.

So let us clear the air

Although common belief is that tarot cards are a way to tell the future or reveal someone's fortune, this is actually far from true. Tarot cards don't predict the future. But reading them might help you figure it out-get an idea. Reading them can help guide your actions and steps as you walk towards your Destiney.

At its most basic, tarot tells stories about the cycles of our lives. Shuffling the deck, picking out cards and laying them out in order reveals what different trials and tribulations we might face during any given journey.

By quieting your mind, calming and cantering yourself while shuffling and selecting one or more cards, as you sincerely ask for guidance (from God, your higher self, your angels, your ancestors, creative consciousness– whatever higher power you believe in or a combination of all of these sources) about your situation, you allow yourself to connect with thoughts, beliefs, state of being of the person or situation energetically.

Thoughts are vibrations of energy.

Shuffling the cards of the Tarot at the same moment as you are concentrating on the question / situation causes the question/ situation and the cards you select to be linked together by the power of your intention and concentration. They are connected in a significant way because they are happening at the same time and that is how you receive guidance through tarot reading.

So if at any point you are concerned about demonic activities surrounding Tarot, the question you should be asking yourself is who is this individual connecting to (Evil dark powers or Light). Is the soul behind these cards or this reading a Dark-worker or a Light-worker. And your soul, your gut, will tell you. Because your energy will not connect or vibe with and energy that is opposing it.

So, to those who think the practice of reading tarot is an occult reserved for evil spirits, You’re wrong.

Tarot cards are not related to demonic things, by default. Tarot cards simply serve as a gateway into spirituality and a deeper understanding of yourself, but most often, the benefits of tarot cards fly over people’s heads because of preconceived notions and limiting beliefs.

Prayer, listening to uplifting music, yoga and reading a book are all very beneficial tools that can bring you peace, a calm mind and guidance toward a path to the highest good. They aren’t for everyone, and so is Tarot.

At the end of the day - it's not that deep okay, so be easy, be light.

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